Hello and welcome to Currant’s kissaten! I’m starting this site because I’m bored. I’m bored because I have slashed my computer usage because it’s completely taken over my life. It may seem like an odd decision for someone trying to cut back their computer usage to start a website, but I think it makes a lot of sense: the addictive parts of the web, at least for me, are the flashy social media sites and content aggregators. This on the other hand is Web 1.0 goodness, it’s static and purely creative.
I don’t have any specific plans for what I’m going to do with this site, I’m just going to put up anything I feel like. Here are some topics I’m interested in that I could conceivably post about:
- Japanese
- Functional programming
- Anime and manga
- Gardening
- Rock climbing
- Tea
- Hiking and the outdoors
- Fantasy fiction
- DnD
- Video games
| Currant what’s a kissaten
“Kissaten” is how you romanize the Japanese word 喫茶店, which means “coffee shop”. The characters on their own mean “drink”, “tea”, and “store”, which I think is really cute. The words been on my mind ever since I listened to a cute jazz album called “Yume no Kissaten” by ミツキヨ (Mitsukiyo). Check it out!
Tags: update, journal